Hail to Jupiter, lord of both victory and greatness!
We honour too this day Maia, Mars, Saturnus, Mercurius and Dis Pater!
May we be rid of and free from whatever inimical forces of impurity, the obsolete, hostility and sterility there be for self and community!
‘Old men must go over the bridge!’
May our markets flourish,
May our ancestors be remembered and honoured,
And may we flower with the joys of the times!
Salve Iupiter Maie!
Salve Maia!
Salve Marte!
Salve Saturne!
Salve Mercure!
Salve Dis Pater!
Manes exite paterni!
Sexagenarios de ponte!
Salve Iupiter Invicte!


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The Ides of May culminate the novemdiale sacrum  of the Lemuria, and with the sacra Argeorum or casting of the Liberalia oscilla and/or simulacra from the pons sublicius into the ‘Tiber’. In my own rites, we gather the beans we have cast for the Lemuria and throw these along with the rush puppet into a stream or creek.

The day has further connections with such additamenta or additional figures as the goddess Maia and the gods Mars, Saturn, Mercury and the Dis Pater. Consequently, the Ides of May have chthonian, underworld associations with the dead, with commerce, with the otherworld as well as with the victory of springtime life and beauty. These Ides in particular are liminal and serve as a portal moment between this world and the other.